What People are saying about our Energised Products:

The Oneness Candle

I burned The Oneness Candle over three consecutive days.  I loved the smell of it.  I am not sure if is meant to have a scent.  It was a very light fragrance.  I don’t recall ever smelling such a fragrance before but it was beautiful.  The room I burned it in had a beautiful light and peaceful energy in it for these three days.  During these three days I felt a lot of stress, fear and confusion leaving me.  Since burning the candle I feel peaceful, centred and now have more clarity.


When I purchased my necklace, my orb changed colour as I cleared blocks. This was an amazing experience for me.


As I wear my necklace and earrings I had a feeling of lightness and joy.


Energised Candle

My candle has burnt for so long. I have had many feelings cleared and experienced many things as I connect with my candle.

The Clearing Meditation

It is like having Roisin sitting beside you. So real and powerful. I listen to my meditation every day. This is no normal meditation. You feel space and free. It releases a lot of emotion. I love it.