Group Clearing Events

Roisin regularly holds clearing days for groups of 20 to 60 people. These are held extensively throughout Ireland and also Switzerland and the United States.

Ways to attend a Clearing Event event:

  • Physical Attendance (at the event venue)
  • Online Attendance (usually via the Zoom application)
  • Energetic Attendance (for more information click HERE)

What happens on a CLEARING DAY?

When groups arrive they are invited to sit in the beautiful energy which has been created. Roisin then starts the clearing process. This is started with a deep meditation as Roisin draws everybody’s Spirit guides into their Aura. As Roisin builds the collective energy around everyone present she then starts clearing emotional and mental blocks, traumas and phobias. Roisin is supported by the Aura-Soma system, music and guidance chosen by Spirit.

As old emotional and mental blocks surface, Roisin releases these into the energy. Roisin will sometimes be guided to touch clients heads or back to release deep emotional shocks. She also may be guided to give you a message in your ear from your guide. She may also ask you questions that Spirit has guided her to ask you to support your clearing.

Roisin talks about the outer child and due to the journey that we pick in this life time and all the experiences that we must experience, to learn life’s lesson, parts of the child within step out.  For example, if a child loses a parent or if a child is separated from a parent or separated from a loved one this causes deep shocks which forces the inner child to step out to cope better. What experience in your life has made the child within step out?

There are three essences to our being – the child, the adolescent and the adult. In understanding these essences of self, therein lies the answer to our journey.

Collectively everyone clears as a group. This is a very powerful process. Some people may experience coughing, yawning and different emotions awakening them to their new journey within.

Clients feel lighter, more peaceful and more clarity surfaces around their life path.

To help prepare for the Clearing process and to receive the powerful energy and messages for yourself.

These guidelines given by SPIRIT are called the Twelve Disciplines.

  • The energy starts to work with you as soon as you book your name in for the clearing day. To get the best out of the process, it is advisable to book your name as soon as possible.
  • You may start to feel different emotions in the days before the Clearing day as your body gets ready to release old conditioning.
  • What to wear – White or beige clothing with no patterns. This enables Spirit to connect with you on a deeper level without any blocks. Heavy colours delay the Spirit messages coming to you.
  • It is advisable not to drink alcohol the night before as it lowers your vibration.
  • Check information flyer for registration time.
  • Once you have completed registration please enter the room quietly, remove shoes and sit quietly with your eyes closed in preparation for journey ahead.
  • Turn all mobile phone completely off. Do not place on silent as the satellite signals from mobile phones confuse your Spirit messages.
  • Please take care not to handle the Aura-Soma coloured bottles on the table that support Roisin.
  • If Roisin asks a question and you feel it is connected to you please raise your hand. It is very important that you do speak without fear as Spirit may want to give you a very important message. This question cannot be asked later as Spirit works in the moment.
  • When Roisin closes the session please do not approach her to ask questions as Roisin will be going through different vibrational states as Spirit leaves her body.
  • If you have any questions at the end of the session please find a volunteer on the day and they will guide you.
  • Please bring some water to drink.
Upcoming Group Clearing Events
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