Photograph Clearing
Using a recent photograph, Roisin can clear energy to allow individuals to let go of energy and emotions which are holding them back.
This is done energetically. We will need, in advance of the clearing date, a recent photograph of the person with his/her full name (including middle names) and date of birth.
Photograph clearing for Adult – £95 / €120.
Children 12 years and under
As human beings we carry many issues from our parents and grandparents and ancestors showing up in our daily lives.
As anger, guilt, fear, under confidence, phobias, burdens, addictions, sensitivities with food, clothes, places, suffering etc on many levels.
As adults, and children we usually hold these issues out of love for our parents or siblings, totally unaware that they are acting through these mind and emotional issues.
These energies cause many stresses and blocks in the adult and child’s body, clouding the true experience of the life we are meant to be living.
Photograph clearings are extremely beneficial as the person’s ego does not get involved which allows Spirit to awaken the being within at a deeper level.
Roisin Eve guided through spirit tunes into the energies trapped in the photo of a client. Roisin Eve opens her energy realms and enters the client’s auric field.
Listening, seeing, and feeling where she needs to clear and rescue their light, rebalancing the soul through the many lifetimes, bringing mind, body & spirit into the present. The client will experience a feeling of lightness of being more open and feel more Peaceful within.
Roisin Eve will send via email a short synopsis of what occurred in the session, running the energy for 12 to 40 days depending on guidance from spirit.
We will need, in advance of the clearing date, a recent photograph of the child with his/her full name (including middle names) and date of birth.
Photograph clearing for children: 0-12 years – £65
For more information and booking please call us on (#44) (0)28 9269 3499 Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm or email